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What Are SEO Backlinks?

A backlink is when one website links to another with an anchor text. An example of a backlink is any article you find that links to another source or website. You can find examples of website backlinks all over the internet, especially on popular blog sites that link back to relevant content.

Why do you need backlinks?

Backlinks are like votes, that tell Google that a particular website is trustworthy and the content on the site is valuable, credible, and useful. So, the more of these “votes” you have, the higher your site will rank in Google and other search engines.

Which backlink strategy we following?

The following are some of the strategies we use and recommend to our clients when helping them to build their local SEO presence through backlinks.
1. Local Business Directories
2. Industry-Specific Directories
3. Social Media
4. Local News Sites
5. Work with Influencers or Bloggers
6. Pursue Sponsorships
7. Utilize Tools to Identify Competitor Backlink Opportunities

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